Our goal is to produce the same high quality standards for our clients while maintaining the safety of talent and crew. These are our procedures to ensure quality while following social distancing guidelines.


We will focus on pre-production to minimize time on set. Together with clients we will work to:
• Review photos of the space
• Schedule a pre-interview call if applicable
• Schedule the production to account for smaller teams
• Create an outline, storyboard, or shot list for an efficient on-set interview


A two person team will set up a simple but quality location shoot. This team can set up and monitor camera, audio, and lights all from a safe distance from the subject. Our crew will follow state guidelines for self examination of symptoms before the shoot
• The equipment and grip van will be sanitized prior to each shoot.
• The crew will wear PPE, including face masks during production.
• Hand sanitizer will be available on set
• Hard surfaces used in production will be disinfected before and after filming.
To minimize contact we recommend the production be in the subjects backyard patio or somewhere we can film outdoors. If filming indoors is requested, potential health liabilities will be taken into consideration before making a decision.
GHØST LABEL can set up an on-line meeting for the client / agency to listen and collaborate in real time.